Schiff&Hafen offers exactly the performance data you need for your successful advertising campaign oon the German-speaking market: One of the highest circulations of any B2B shipbuilding magazine in Europe - more than 6,500 copies, IVW certified, and a paid circulation of over 4000 copies - speaks for itself. In addition, Schiff&Hafen reaches an average of 5.7 readers per copy per month (12 times per year) and 69% of Schiff&Hafen readers are in a leading position (source: Copytest, carried out by tns Emnid).
The industry magazine for the German-speaking region is aimed at technical decision-makers as well as specialists and managers in shipping companies, shipyards, ports and the maritime supply industry. In the permanent sections "Shipbuilding & Ship Technology", "Offshore & Marine Technology", "Shipping & Ports" and "Career & Personnel", Schiff&Hafen provides a comprehensive overview of current industry events and product developments. Technically detailed articles on modern shipbuilding technologies, the maritime supply industry and offshore technologies as well as current developments in the shipping industry are the focus of the monthly journal Schiff&Hafen.