Vard launches innovation project

“A step forward” incorporates innovative solutions for improved vessel operation (Source: Vard/Montaag)
Three of Vard’s specialised companies, Vard Accommodation, Vard Electro and Vard Design, have through a collaboration initiative joined forces with designer Per Ivar Selvaag and Montaag, a California- and Norway-based design agency, to develop a range of products and concepts.
The project’s goal has been to create tools to enable higher returns on investment for clients, increase the efficiency and ease of operations, and provide an attractive work environment on board, Vard said.
Among other things, the innovation project focuses on a new bridge system, cabins and interiors. Included in the concept design are the SeaQ Bridge for efficient and safe operation as well as the SeaQ Cabin for an increased quality of recreation to ensure a well-rested crew.
The new ideas present innovations as stand-alone products, or combined as a total concept.
“A step forward” was unveiled at the maritime exhibition Nor-Shipping in Oslo.