Updated guidelines on installation of BWT systems
They include alterations to the application date of the ballast water performance standard, additions and modifications of definitions, and a revision of standards for installation of ballast water treatment (BWT) systems.
In 2010, ClassNK published the first edition of its guidelines on the installation of BWT systems, which contained information on the selection of BWT systems, general requirements and precautions related to installation, and a description of the procedure for the approval of BWT systems by ClassNK.
In the latest edition of its guidelines ClassNK has amended the application date of the ballast water performance standard based on the revised implementation schedule adopted by IMO Assembly resolution A.1088(28). The IMO developed and adopted the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments, 2004 (BWM Convention) with the aim of protecting the marine environment from the transfer of harmful aquatic organisms in ballast water carried by ships.
Requirements relating to standards for installation of BWT systems have also been expanded upon in the latest edition of ClassNK’s guidelines in response to the IACS Unified Requirement (UR) M74 Installation of Ballast Water Management Systems, which was adopted in September 2015. In particular, additional requirements for tankers carrying flammable liquids have been laid out in order to improve onboard safety, protect the marine environment, and ensure the structural strength and integrity of the ship.
The "Guidelines on the Installation of Ballast Water Treatment Systems" are available on the ClassNK website at www.classnk.com for ClassNK "My Page" users.