Sir David Attenborough launched on River Mersey

At the recent launch ceremony of the research vessel in the UK

Following the launch of the vessel, which is costing GBP 200 million, the 129m-long ship was towed by tugs to embark upon the next stage of construction.
The research ship will be capable of spending 60 days at sea without resupply and will have a range of more than 35,000km. Four Rolls-Royce Bergen B33:45 engines will generate electricity on board and drive the diesel electric propulsion system, providing sufficient power for the vessel to break ice up to 1.5m thick. The ship will have two 2,500-kW battery packs for peak shaving, two Rolls-Royce twisted leading edge Promas rudders, and four Tees White Gill thrusters.
The new research ship is part of a UK Government polar infrastructure investment programme designed to keep Britain at the forefront of research in Antarctica and the Arctic.
The Sir David Attenborough is due to enter service in 2019.

The UK’s polar research vessel RRS Sir David Attenborough has been launched at Cammell Laird Shipyard on the River Mersey in Birkenhead, UK.


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