Schottel supplies propulsion systems for more Russian dry cargo ships

Including this order, more than 50 carriers of the RSD 32 and RSD 59 series are driven by Schottel propulsion systems (Source: Schottel)
Schottel has delivered diesel-driven RudderPropellers for nine dry cargo vessels designed by Russia’s Marine Engineering Bureau. Each of the ships now has a pair of diesel-driven SRP 340 RudderPropellers with an input power of 1,200kW at 1,000 rpm.
The two-hold ships are deployed in the carriage of cargoes including containers, grain, project consignments and dangerous goods. They operate on Russian rivers including the Volga and the Don, as well as short-sea trades across the Mediterranean, Caspian and Black Seas.
The 141m-long ships have a capacity of 11,200m3 and a deadweight tonnage at sea of 7,445 on a draught of 4.5m. In river operation, deadweight is limited to 5,112 on a draught of 3.6m. The versatile vessels have a high block coefficient, ensuring the best combination of speed, cargo capacity and required power.
With this latest order, Schottel has now supplied propulsion systems for more than 50 dry cargo vessels in the RSD 32 and RSD 50 series, a total of more than a hundred units. The German propulsion company is due to celebrate its centenary this year.