Rolls-Royce to deliver gas engines for onboard power generation

Hilli arrives at Singapore

The FLNGV Hilli was a former Moss LNG carrier and is currently being converted to an FLNGV carrier.
Rolls-Royce will provide two Bergen B35:40V20AG engines, a compact and powerful gas engine with outstanding environmental performance in terms of low emissions of NOx, CO2, SOx and particulates, the company said.  
The energy consumption is also low, helping Rolls-Royce to win the bid by offering a more efficient all-gas solution compared to dual-fuel options, it added. The power generated will be mainly used for the liquefaction processes, and also for supporting vessel operation and the energy needs of the crew on board.
The contract with Keppel Shipyard includes an option for two additional engines for a second Golar LNG carrier to be converted, the Gimi. The engines for Hilli are scheduled for delivery next year and the conversion of the vessel is expected to be completed in first quarter of 2017.

Rolls-Royce has secured a contract with Keppel Shipyard in Singapore to supply two all-gas engines for power generation on board a floating liquefaction natural gas vessel (FLNGV) owned by Golar LNG Ltd.


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