Permanent magnet technology supports Northern Lights project

The two vessels will support the Northern Lights carbon capture and storage (CCS) project by transporting greenhouse gas from industrial emitters to an onshore terminal in Øygarden, Norway (Source: Northern Lights)
Two 7,500m3 liquefied CO2 carriers to be built for the Northern Lights carbon capture project at Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Company (DSIC) in China, will be fitted with ABB permanent magnet shaft generators.
The generators will raise fuel efficiency and cut emissions, ABB said. Combining the technology with variable speed engines will enable sufficient electricity to be generated from the rotating shaft for all systems on board the ships.
The first vessels of their kind are due for delivery in 2024 and will support the carbon capture and storage project, a joint venture between Equinor, Shell and Total. The 130m-long vessels will ship the liquefied gas in purpose-built pressurised tanks.
Greenhouse gas emissions will be transported from industrial facilities to an onshore terminal in Øygarden, Norway. From there, the CO2 will be piped to dedicated reservoirs 2.6 km under the North Sea for permanent storage.
In Northern Lights’ first phase, the project will have capacity to store up to 1.5 million tonnes of CO2 annually. However, the partners aim to expand this to five million tonnes in a second phase.
ABB will also include full engineering and commissioning work, and the two gas carriers will have access to the ABB AbilityTM Marine Remote Diagnostics System for equipment monitoring, fault finding and planned maintenance.