Optimarin notches up record sales growth

The company, which was the first to install a commercial treatment system 18 years ago and the first to receive US Coast Guard (USCG) type approval, has now sold close to 600 systems. In the year to date, the company has won contracts to supply 50 systems, which are based on filtration and ultraviolet technology, compared with 60 during the whole of 2017. The units will be installed across ships in various sectors and to customers including Besiktas Shipping, Eureka Shipping, Solvang, Koyo Kaiun and Ahrenkiel.   
Tore Andersen, Optimarin CEO, said: “2017 was our best ever year in business, so we honestly didn’t expect to outperform last year’s figures so comprehensively. As the first company to install a commercial system, the first to receive USCG approval and the first to offer a five-year parts and servicing guarantee for framework agreements, it’s gratifying to see that the firm foundations we’ve laid down can now really be built upon.”
Andersen, who expects 2018 to be the best ever year in business, is keen to emphasise the company’s leadership in the retrofit sector where about 140 of its systems have now been installed. Global engineering partners Goltens and Zeppelin account for the majority of these projects, but the simplicity of the technology also means that ships’ crews themselves have been able to install systems while vessels are undertaking normal operations, the company said.

Norwegian ballast water treatment firm Optimarin has won a record number of orders so far this year, pushing income up by more than 50% year-on-year.


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