Optimarin is first BWT supplier to obtain USCG approval

USCG type approval for Optimarin's OBS

Added to IMO approval and certification from numerous classification societies, this means Optimarin’s environmentally friendly UV-based technology now leads the market in terms of global compliance, the company says.
“USCG has the world’s most stringent testing standards, meaning that once a system has approval it’s assured of total global compliance, now and into the future," commented Optimarin CEO Tore Andersen. “There are numerous units with USCG Alternate Management System (AMS) certification, but this is a temporary measure to allow trading in US waters. At some point, if they haven’t met full USCG approval standards, they will have to be changed. So it really pays for shipowners to invest in fully compliant systems today for their entire fleets. The peace of mind that provides cannot be overstated.”
The Optimarin Ballast System (OBS) utilises a combination of filtration and powerful 35-kW UV lamps to treat ballast water without the need for chemicals. The classification society DNV GL tested the system to USCG standards for fresh, brackish and marine water at the Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA) test facility.

Norwegian ballast water treatment (BWT) specialist Optimarin says it has become the first system supplier to gain full type approval by the United States Coast Guard (USCG).


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