New ocean factory trawler design unveiled

The new design of the factory trawler

The move comes after feedback from the company’s clients highlighting that there has been very little change or improvement in the design of such vessels for decades.  
“The aim of this design is to set new standards for the next generation of ocean factory trawlers, seeking innovation in all solutions and adaptation of new technologies to the long-proven concept of stern trawlers,” the company said in a statement.
The new design demonstrates a complete rethink of all main features, incorporating new functionality and simplicity. Aspects of the redesign have addressed construction of the hull including trim, draught and ballast; engines and propulsion; the aft arrangement on the trawl deck; the cargo hold including accessibility and working condition; the engine room arrangement; and stairways and accommodation.
Main features of the 80m-long trawler, which has a speed of 16 knots, include diesel electric propulsion, two propellers and a bow thruster. The vessel has a high bulbous bow and a stern shaped for two propellers. There is a processing area of 700m2, a hold/packing space of 200m3, and cargo hold capacity of 2,000m3. Accommodation for a crew of 32 is provided in single-berth cabins.

A completely new design of ocean factory trawler “from stem to stern” has been released by the Faroe Islands design team of Danish firm Knud E. Hansen.


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