Naming and launch of polar supply and research vessel

Naming ceremony of "S.A. Agulhas II"

Delivery of NB 1369, named to "S.A. Agulhas II", will as per STX Finland be handed over to the customer as agreed in the spring of 2012.  

"S.A. Agulhas II", classified by DNV, is a multipurpose vessel that will operate as supply, research and passenger ship as well as an icebreaker among other things.  The core functions of the Vessel will be logistic support for South African research bases on the Antarctic mainland, Marion Island and Gough Island. The vessel will also be equipped to conduct oceanographic studies as well as marine geological research. In addition, the vessel conducts continuous measurements of a range of meteorological parameters for transmission to the South African Weather Services, and deploys weather balloons and weather buoys during certain transits. When completed, the vessel will also operate internationally as a passenger ship for some 150 people. The ice-strengthened vessel will be approximately 134 metres long and it will have accommodation for a crew of 45 and some 100 researchers or passengers.

The polar supply and research vessel ordered by the South African Department of Environmental Affairs was named and launched at STX Finland Oy’s Rauma shipyard.


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