Modern Commercial Navy and United Industrial Corporation (OPK) sign a cooperation agreement
Referring to this document MCN PLC is the largest Russian shipping company with longstanding experience of collaboration with shipbuilding enterprises. The company is the largest customers of Russian civil shipbuilding and is interested in placing orders for the construction of high-technological maritime civil vessels at OPK’s shipyards.
OPK’s shipbuilding assets, including Severnaya Verf PLC and Baltiysky Zavod PLC, rank among the leading Russian enterprises, specializing in the construction of maritime civil vessels. According to the agreement, OPK’s shipyards are intended realizing its production potentialities to compete in the world market and to realize and develop commercial shipbuilding.
This bilateral agreement will contribute to the realization of the Federal Target Program 2008-2015 “Development of Russian Shipbuilding industry”. The program targets civil navy renovation and continental shelf development.