MAN Cryo’s hydrogen fuel-gas system given AiP

MAN’s liquefied hydrogen fuel-gas system for fuel-cell-powered, emission-free shipping

The scalable system can be adapted for different ship types, sizes and conditions and is suitable for both above- and below-deck applications, providing naval architects with design flexibility.
Liquefied hydrogen is one of the coldest cryogenic gases, with a temperature of -253° Celsius, and is highly explosive. Temperature stress and safety have therefore been top priorities for the MAN Cryo engineering team. As a fuel, hydrogen does not release any carbon dioxide and can be used to charge batteries for electrical propulsion, using fuel cell technology.
"Winning this approval is important for a number of reasons," said Dr Uwe Lauber, CEO of MAN Energy Solutions. "As a solution for vessels employed on relatively short maritime routes, such as ferries, this technology is a world first and showcases our company’s ability to deliver genuinely innovative solutions. Furthermore, hydrogen is a clean fuel whose profile fits perfectly with the general desire within the industry to move towards cleaner technology. The possibilities for this technology are varied and exciting."

The world’s first marine fuel-gas system for liquefied hydrogen, developed by MAN Cryo in close cooperation with Fjord 1 and Multi Maritime in Norway, has been awarded approval in principle by classification society DNV GL.


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