Fast Lines signs up for two Damen Combi Freighters

Illustration of the two Combi Freighters for Fast Lines (Source: Damen)

Belgium's Fast Lines has ordered two Damen Combi Freighter 3850 (CF 3850) units from Damen Shipyards. The contract follows a detailed analysis of the options available to Fast Lines to achieve minimal emissions as economically as possible.

The two CF 3580s, which have the lowest energy efficiency design index in the short-sea cargo vessel market, will have a new hull design and an efficient and economic main engine. The ships will have Damen's Triton Remote monitoring system installations, providing real-time data on fuel consumption and carbon emissions both to the ships' personnel and shoreside staff.

The shipping company's managing director, Catrien Scheers, commented: "These will be our first new-build vessels, and we are confident that the Damen CF 3850 vessels will fit like a glove in Fast Lines Belgium's business. Not only are they economical and efficient, but our customers will also be able to see for themselves just how low their fuel consumption and therefore their emissions are. This will give us a valuable commercial advantage."

Luc Joos, Damen's sales manager for Belgium, said: "We are delighted to welcome Fast Lines Belgium into the Damen family. They reviewed all the options available to them in detail before opting for the CF 3850. We are confident that their new vessels will deliver the performance that they and their customers seek."


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