Expanding presence in Italy

Guiseppe Fanello is now certified to train Italian-language clients on the use of ShipConstructor Distributed Systems modules: Pipe, HVAC and Equipment. He is also certified to provide training for modules: Hull/ShipCAM, Structure, Penetrations, ProductHierarchy, Weld, ManualNest, Automatic Nest, Profile Nest, Report, NC-Pyros and Flythrough.

Stefano Camattini of Tekno Consulting (www.teknoconsulting.com) and Luca Rossi of Naos Ship & Boat Design  (www.naos-design.com/it/) also provide Italian-language training on several ShipConstructor modules.

With the addition of Giuseppe Fanello SSI, as the company states, can offer better high quality service to the Italian-language customers.”

ShipConstructor Software Inc. (SSI), based in Victoria, Canada, has enhanced its presence in Italy with the addition of an Italian-language certified Distributed Systems instructor, Giuseppe Fanello of inNave SRL (www.innave.it).


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