Delivery of "Frontier Coronet"

"Frontier Coronet" delivered to Lucky Harvest Shipping
The carrier is the 5th state-of-the-art bulk carrier with 180,000 DWT developed by Kawasaki. The "Frontier Coronet" is a 292 m long bulk carrier fully compliant with the bulk carrier hull strength rules (IACS Common Structural Rules) for enhanced safety.
The vessel as per shipyard employs the latest in technology to achieve maximum fuel economy, including an energy-saving main diesel engine, highly efficient propellers, as well as the Kawasaki semi-duct system with contra fins (SDS-F) and rudder bulb with fins (RBS-F), which all contribute to the vessel’s enhanced propulsion performance.
A few days before Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. had launched the "Cambria Colossus", a bulk carrier for Singapore’s “K” Line Pte Ltd at its Kobe Works. This 197 m long vessel (Kawasaki hull No. 1641) has a capacity of 58,000 DWT. After it is outfitted at the Kobe Works quay, the carrier will be delivered in March 2011.