Damen to build twin-rig trawler for Ekofish

Artist’s impression of the fishing trawler (Rendering: Damen)

The diesel-electric power plant, based on three generators and a DC Bus, will be backed up by batteries which can be used for short-term tasks at sea or whilst the vessel is in harbour, thereby avoiding use of the main engine. The batteries can be charged during spells of engine overcapacity, or even by capturing the energy created when winches are paying out. This is believed to be a first in the fishing industry.
Design of the trawler is a result of close cooperation between Ekofish, the Damen shipyard and naval architecture firm Vripack. Together with equipment on board, the design reflects Ekofish’s dedication to sustainable fishing methods. Construction of the trawler’s hull will begin in Poland during the first quarter of 2018, with outfitting at Damen Maaskant Shipyards Stellendam due for completion in the first three months of 2019.

Family-owned Dutch fishing company Ekofish Group has ordered a 32m-long twin-rig trawler at Damen Maaskant Shipyards Stellendam incorporating a range of innovative features described as “ground-breaking for the fisheries industry”.


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