Damen completes rig refit for Vroon

The refit on the installation vessel has been completed

The project involved installation of new spudcans on the four-legged jacking system which can elevate the vessel at a rate of 1m/ minute in water depths of up to 45m. Managed by NSB Niederelbe Schiffahrts GmbH, which has operated the vessel since its 2011 delivery, work also included the installation of two radar domes and cylinder foundations for the leg lashing system.
The MPI Enterprise is designed for the transport of lifting, installation and decommissioning components such as foundations, wind turbines, met masts and transformer stations and has now been redeployed to work on wind farms in the North and Baltic Seas.
DVR was acquired by Damen in June 2017 and is one of the largest refit and repair yards in Western Europe with a drydock measuring 405m by 90m. The shipyard group is now looking to diversify its repair activities into sectors including the servicing of cruise ships, LNG carriers as well as decommissioning projects involving assets in the North Sea. 

The MPI Enterprise, a 120m-long DP2 wind turbine installation vessel owned by MPI Offshore, has completed a refit at Damen Verolme Rotterdam (DVR).


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