Construction of innovative research vessel underway at AAM
U.S. yard All American Marine (AAM) has been awarded a contract to build a research vessel for the University of Hawaii at Manoa and the University of Hawaii Foundation (UHF) on behalf of the Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology (HIMB). Construction of the vessel has recently started.
The 22.8m-long semi-displacement aluminium catamaran was developed by Teknicraft Design in Auckland, New Zealand. The vessel is being constructed to U.S. Coast Guard standards for service in waters 150 nautical miles or less from the shore. It will operate as a multipurpose research vessel in the Hawaiian waters with a crew of up to 12.
The catamaran has a bow wave piercer and a hydrofoil-assisted hull design. Hull and hull components are designed to break up wave action and ensure reduced drag while enhancing passenger comfort. The vessel aims to achieve high fuel economy while also maintaining an estimated fully laden cruise speed of 22 to 24 knots. The propulsion package includes 2x fixed pitch propellers, powered by twin Scania DI16, 082M, Tier 3 engines.
Onboard the newbuilding, scientists and crew have comfortable live-aboard quarters, large state-of-the-art wet and dry lab spaces, as well as a range of the latest oceanographic equipment in which to conduct a variety of missions. The vessel has been custom designed to support a diverse portfolio of science and outreach missions including advanced studies on marine megafauna, pelagic and coastal ecosystem research, and oceanographic surveys. It will carry a science team of eight on offshore missions and 22 students/crew on shorter day excursions.