Collaboration on LNG bunkering vessel concept
British marine architect Tritec Marine and shipping company Stena LNG have cooperated to create a new design of liquefied natural gas (LNG) bunkering vessel, called the SAFE Bunker concept.
The design aims to prevent the bunker vessel making contact with the ship taking on LNG fuel, so reducing the likelihood of hull and other damage. The SAFE Bunker has a payload capacity of 7,500cu.m with 2C type tanks. The vessel is designed with dual-fuel diesel-electric engines and podded propulsors in the bow and the stern. The pods can also be utilised for dynamic positioning (DP) during refuelling operations.
The location of the cargo control room at the top of the accommodation block in combination to the DP capability enables bunkering by alleviating contact between the two vessels even in less favourable weather conditions. The shipping industry has come to realise that the available bunker vessels of today have limited capability to avoid side contact whilst delivering fuel, something echoed by cruise liner sector amongst others, Tritec Marine said. Such contact inevitably will result to damage on the paintwork and potential dents on the plating which is not acceptable for any owner. The solution to this problem should not only guarantee delivery of LNG bunker in a safe and efficient manner but should also eliminate the contact with the receiving vessel.