Classification society launches digital EEXI tool

A new digital tool for shipowners and operators to gauge their ships’ compliance with the IMO’s energy efficiency existing ship index (EEXI) has been launched by DNV. The EEXI Calculator was unveiled on the closing day of the IMO’s MEPC 76 meeting, at which the new regulation, together with the carbon intensity indicator (CII), were both adopted. The indices, which address the energy efficiency and carbon footprint of existing vessels, will enter force in January 2023.
DNV estimates that up to 30,000 vessels could be required to take action to comply with the EEXI. Many of these ships are likely to be older units built before the focus on engine performance, fuel consumption and overall energy efficiency became ship design priorities.
A key component in the IMO’s ambition of reducing shipping’s carbon emissions by 40% by 2030 compared with 2008 levels, the EEXI focuses on the design of existing vessels, rather than their operation, which is addressed by the CII. The EEXI estimates carbon dioxide emissions in relation to installed engine power, transport capacity, speed, and energy efficiency. The index will apply to all internationally trading cargo ships and cruise vessels of more than 400gt, depending on their propulsion type.
The EEXI Calculator is available on the classification society’s Veracity data platform and has been designed for shipping’s high-volume sectors including bulk carriers, tankers and container ships. Based on information uploaded by the user, the tool produces a ship-specific technical file and an EEXI calculation.
For owners whose ships meet the EEXI benchmarks for existing vessels, they will have the EEXI calculation on file. However, the tool will also highlight ships for which remedial action is needed. In these cases, DNV’s advisory experts can work with customers to decide on a strategy for compliance and prepare the necessary documentation, the classification society said.