Bureau Veritas slashes CAP reporting time

The dramatic shortening of time for the CAP programme is said to reduce costs for tanker owners and to make the Bureau Veritas CAP a useful tool for risk assessment of vessels and offshore units for life extension or conversion.

The new CAP Reporting Software was designed in liaison with clients and ship vetting entities. Using a web-based interface the tool is installed on surveyors’ lap tops. The database of the tanks and important machinery equipment is automatically down loaded from BV's class database Neptune if the unit is BV class or uploaded for next time use if the vessel is not BV class. According to Bureau Veritas, reporting time is vastly reduced by use of drop down menus and eliminating duplication of data. The final very easy to read report is downloadable in pdf format or can be read directly on line with magazine style page turning software.

Classification society Bureau Veritas has slashed the reporting time for a Condition Assessment Programme report from three months to one month, and at the same time improved the accessibility and usability of the report.


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