Another tug newbuilding for Moran Towing
Shipyard Washburn & Doughty Associates, Inc., East Boothbay, Maine, signed a contract with the Moran Towing Corporation to build one tug of the Intercon type. Hull no 98 will be the fourth vessel built by Washburn & Doughty to this design. "Pati R. Moran" and "Linda Moran" are already in Moran'ship docking and harbour services and "Lois Ann L. Moran" is scheduled for delivery in the 3rd Qtr. 2009.
The vessel is being surveyed by the American Bureau of Shipping and will be Classed Maltese Cross A1 Towing Service and Maltese Cross AMS, with an international load line. The vessel will comply with all applicable SOLAS regulations.