A dozen tugs for Brazil

The new 3212 tug designed by Damen

The Netherlands-based shipbuilding company Damen Shipyards Group and Wilson Sons, Brazil, have signed a contract for ten ASD 2411 tugs and two tugs of the new 3212 series.

The Netherlands-based shipbuilding company Damen Shipyards Group and Wilson Sons, Brazil, have signed a contract for ten ASD 2411 tugs and two tugs of the new 3212 series. All newbuildings are destined for the Brazilian shipping market. The vessels will be built at the Wilson Sons shipyard in Guarujá, São Paulo, and will go into service for Wilson Sons’ subsidiary Saveiros Camuyrano Serviços Maritimos. The company has one of the biggest tug fleets in Latin America, serving all the Brazilian waters both in harbours and at sea. Its fleet consists of approximately 75 tugs, of which at least 50 tugs are azimuth stern drives, most of which are Damen standard designs.
Five of the ten 2411 tugs will have a 55-tonne bollard pull while the other five will have a BP of 70 tonnes. The units will comply with the latest IMO and MLC 2006 crew accommodation and comfort regulations.
Both 3212 newbuildings are specially designed for working in challenging conditions and have a wider range than regular tugs. They are intended for operations related to Brazil’s offshore oil industry. With a bollard pull of 80 tonnes and some new features, such as extra-thick “double sausage” fendering for improved energy absorption and a high bow to keep the foredeck dry, the manoeuvrability and crew comfort complies with all major classification societies’ requirements and the latest international environmental regulations. Damen has cooperated with the Dutch Marin institute and the Delft University of Technology to further improve the hull form, bilge keels and skeg shape, resulting in a vessel that can do its duty in wave of up to 3m.
Wilson Sons builds locally, using drawings, engineering and materials packages provided by Damen for achieving the same standards like Damen’s premises in The Netherlands. The first construction packages will be sent to Brazil in January 2013.


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