Winners of WATERS fund

The grants are to help emerging energy technologies and improve the operation of marine renewables deviced. WATERS grants have been awarded to:
•RWE npower – to support construction of one of the world's largest wave stations, the ten turbine, 4 MW Siadar project off the Western Isles - £6 million
•Aquamarine Power – to support demonstration of Aquamarine’s Oyster 3 project at the  European Marine Energy Centre in Orkney -  £3.15 million
•OpenHydro - support for a power conversion / control system to deliver a cost effective method of connecting marine energy devices in arrays, an important step towards commercialisation - £1.92 million
•AWS Ocean Energy - to support tests in Loch Ness and the Cromarty Firth of AWS’s wave energy converter, sections of which would join together to form the device’s ‘doughnut’ shape - £1.39 million
•Ocean Flow Energy - Build and deploy the ‘Evopod’, a 25 kilowatt floating grid connected tidal energy turbine at Sanda Sound in South Kintyre - £560,000.

WATERS is a collaboration between the Scottish Government, Scottish Enterprise and Highlands and Islands Enterprise. The programme is part financed through European Regional Development Funds (ERDF) in the Highlands and Islands Scotland programme 2007 - 2013.

Five marine energy projects will share £13 million to harness the power of the sea.


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