Standardisation to support shipping’s digitalisation process

DNV GL has released a position paper on standardisation of digital applications in the maritime industry
Based on experience gained from pilot projects focused on ship sensor data, the classification society paper examines how standardisation can assist in the effective collection, storage, exchange, analysis and use of data, whilst also contributing to improved data quality and sensor reliability.
“Standards are used in many industries to advance efficiency, safety and environmental performance,” explained Pierre Sames, the classification society’s group technology and research director. “With the rise of the Internet of Things in shipping, we believe that many stakeholders can benefit from developing a standardisation strategy to take advantage of a more digital maritime industry.”
Steiner Låg, a senior researcher in maritime transport, added that by examining the results of some of the digitalisation pilot projects in which the classification society has been involved, it has been possible to identify several technical barriers to efficient data flow and usage.
“Data collection products from different vendors often have incompatible outputs, making it difficult to combine the data of multiple systems. This makes the processes less efficient and more difficult for shipowners to obtain a complete picture of a vessel or their fleet,” Låg said.
The report explores the need for standardisation in six key areas: ship data models, sensor naming and referencing, maritime taxonomies and code books, sensor metadata, shipboard data recorders, and sensor quality and reliability. As future technologies develop, there may be a need for new standards to support other applications, including model-based simulation and autonomous ships.