Sliding davits offer Arctic MOB and Fast Rescue Craft boat solutions

Vestdavit davtis allow RAN OPVs to operate boarding craft in heavy seas

Vestdavit’s PLR-3600 MOB/FRC davit is DNV and ABS approved for work in -40 degree C and can handle MOB boats and Fast Rescue Craft safely in Arctic conditions.
The PLR-3600 Arctic davit is built from specialised steel and all moving parts have special seals, all tested, approved and certified for operations to 40 degrees C below zero. The Hydraulic Power Unit and hydraulic system are specially built for this type of operations, including use of special hydraulic fluid for Arctic operations. The davit has built-in shock absorbing and is wave compensated to allow ease of use in high seas. The whole unit is housed in a protected alcove or enclosed garage. According to Vestdavit, maintenance intervals are also lengthened to avoid the need for routine work on the davits while in very cold weather.
Vestdavit also designs and supplies Arctic-capable davits able to handle 30 tonne boats and can integrate these with the ship’s garage and stern launch boat handling systems for extreme conditions.

Norway-based boat handling system and specialised davit supplier Vestdavit has developed a sliding davit solution which permits easy handling and maintenance of rescue craft in Artic conditions.


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