Riser-System installed in 2500 m water depth

Technip USA, supported by its contractor Jumbo Offshore have completed the installation of five Free Standing Hybrid Risers (FSHR´s) for the Petrobras America Inc. Cascada & Chinook ultra deepwater project in the Gulf of Mexico. The transportation of the five buoyancy cans was handled by Jumbo´s DP2 Offshore Heavy Lift Vessel “Fairplayer” wich loaded the cans from Technip´s yard in Pori, Finland, and transported them to the Cascada and Chinook offshore location in the Gulf of Mexico. Technip´s construction vessels “Deep Blue” and “Deep Pioneer”, together with the “Fairplayer”, finally installed the buoyancy cans and risers.

The installation started with the “Deep Blue” deploying the riser in its entirety. The “Fairplayer” then moved in for lifting the 2300 m riser with the fore crane and placing it in a hang-off structure for connection to the buoyancy can. The whole assembly was then over boarded and lowered safely through the splash zone. After lowering the assembly to 200 m, Technip connected between the riser and its foundation in the seabed at 2500 m water depth. The five FSHR´s are the deepest risers of this type installed in the world today, as Jumbo states.

Jumbo Offshore and Technip USA completed the installation works for two deepwater projects in the Gulf of Mexico.


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