Ratification of MLC, 2006

The MLC, 2006 was adopted unanimously in 2006 but there were two requirements still to be met before it could come into force. The recent ratification by Russia and the Philippines fulfil the requirement that at least 30 ILO member countries ratify the Convention. The other requirement - that ratifying countries represent 33% of the world’s gross shipping tonnage - was met in 2009.

The MLC, 2006 establishes minimum legislation for almost all aspects of working conditions for seafarers, including conditions of employment, hours of work and rest, accommodation, recreational facilities, food and catering, health protection, medical care, welfare and social security protection.

When it comes into effect, the MLC, 2006 will replace 37 existing ILO maritime conventions and related recommendations adopted since 1920.

The ILO’s (International Labour Organization) Maritime Labour Convention MLC, 2006, has now been ratified by 30 countries, meaning it will go into effect in a year’s time. The charter sets out the labour rights of the world’s 1.2 million seafarers.


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