Offshore green energy

LORC area at Lindoe

The Centre is established by a number of the largest Danish companies within the renewable energy production at sea, and the ambition is to create a leading global development center.

Building the world's largest test benches for testing wind turbines mechanical and electrical components are in full swing, and LORC is involved in several projects which have two clear common goal: to bring the cost of energy extraction down and to strengthen industrial capacity to create growth.

LORC is established with private funds and has received support for booting from Renewal Fund and the Southern Growth Forum to transition in hard-hit areas. It's about creating growth and new jobs for the many who lose their jobs in connection with the closure of Odense Steel Shipyard.

200 managers and partners from various organizations and authorities participated in the opening conference at Odense Steel Shipyard.

Denmark's leading center focusing on the research, test, and demonstration of technology related to offshore green energy - LORC - recently officially opened with a conference at Odense Steel Shipyard.


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