New partnership to supply VDR technology to inland waterway operators

Position, navigtation and timing (PNT) system specialist, Orolia, is to collaborate with Radio Holland in the development of a voyage data recorder (VDR) for inland shipping. The two companies will use each other’s systems in both newbuild and retrofit projects. Radio Holland will use Orolia’s Netwave VDR NW6000 series as its preferred VDR on new and existing ships. Orolia, meanwhile, will use Radio Holland’s global network as one of its preferred service partners. 
Orolia’s Netwave NW6000 systems are already in operation on board more than 6,000 vessels worldwide. Now, the aim is to introduce it to inland waterway operators who, unlike ocean operators, are not obliged to use such systems. Many, however, recognise the value of VDRs in safety and vessel performance optimisation.
Paul Smulders, Radio Holland’s CEO Europe, said: “We partnered with Orolia on the new and unique Inland NW6000R VDR which registers all movements and communications on and around the inland vessels. Based on the interest we have found with inland ship owners, we believe this innovate product is a relevant addition on board inland vessels.”
Chris Loizou, vice president Marine Business at Orolia, commented: “This partnership is based on our mutual experience and understanding of the grwoth of the marine inland waterway economy, and the ambition to ensure that technology utilised in SOLAS vessels can be used to analyse accident data and help develop risk-reduction strategies for the future.”


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