Marlink launches OT interface

BridgeLink is a technology agnostic solutions portfolio designed to interconnect onboard operational technology within a standardised data structure (Source: Marlink)

Satellite communications company Marlink has unveiled BridgeLink, a new technology-agnostic and compatible operational technology (OT) interface. With that shipboard data from different sources – including navigation, automation, power and propulsion systems – can be accessed and shared at sea and ashore. Customers can now use scalable remote ship management and smart maintenance systems to enhance and improve vessel efficiency using secure data collected for specialist analysis and applications, the company said.

Tore Morten Olsen, president Maritime of Marlink explained: “We created BridgeLink to make remote ship management and maintenance processes more straightforward, streamlined, agnostic and secure than ever before. With its capacity to integrate, analyse and clearly present any data from any vessel in any back-end system, it introduces the same flexibility and choice that our customers already experience with Marlink’s Smart Connectivity, CyberGuard and ITLink portfolios.”


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