Heavy-lift company adds vessels
From January 2018, the MC-class BigLift Barentz and the BigLift Baffin will join the company’s 14-strong fleet of heavy lift vessels. Next year will also see the commissioning of a third Happy S-class vessel. It will join the Happy Sky and the Happy Star, each with a pair of 900-tonne cranes which can be combined to give a lifting capacity of 1,800 tonnes.
The two identical module carriers, under Lloyd’s Register class with Finnish Swedish 1A ice notation, have large, strong, flush decks of 125m by 42m, enabling the lifting and shipping of a wide range of RoRo consignments and large module shipments. Both vessels have established sound operating track records, with low fuel consumption, good service speeds, and low vessel motions. The ships will enable BigLift to offer its clients an even better customised service for larger and heavier cargoes, both in repeat projects and in single shipments.
Existing contracts and tenders falling under BigRoll Shipping, the joint venture, will continue to be fulfilled in cooperation with Rolldock Shipping.