First phase Belwind offshore completed

Transition pieces of the Belwind project

The transition pieces, manufactured in Aalborg, weigh 160 t each and are 25 m long. The foundation of each windturbine, consisting of a monopile and a TP, weighs 410-660 t in total and is 65 to 90 m long. With the installation of the TPs, the foundations for the 55 windturbines and the offshore transformer station was completed and the first operational phase of the project was finalized on schedule. By the end of March Van Oord will begin with the transport and installation of the 55 wind generator turbines of 3 MW each (165 MW in total).

Belwind is Van Oord's second EPC contract. As EPC contractor Van Oord is responsible for engineering, procurement and construction. Earlier Van Oord completed the Princess Amalia wind farm project off the coast of IJmuiden, the Netherlands. Van Oord's knowledge and experience is concentrated in its business unit Offshore Wind Projects (OWP). The construction of the large Belwind project confirms the leading role of Van Oord as EPC contractor in North West Europe.

Dutch contractor Van Oord has been awarded the contract for the engineering, procurement and construction of the first part of the Belwind project on the Blight Bank, 46 kilometers off the coast of Zeebrugge,Belgium.

Van Oord. based in Rotterdam, has completed the installation works of transition pieces for the Belwind project, the first offshore windpark in Belgium.


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