EU Commission plans to assist shipping in meeting new sulphur limits

The Commission Staff Working Document is accompanying the legal proposal for an amendment of Directive 1999/32/EC and the Communication on the review of the implementation of Directive 1999/32/EC related to the sulphur content of certain liquid fuels. The proposed legislation aligns EU law with the latest IMO requirements. As of 1 January 2015 a new limit of 0.1 % on the maximum allowable sulphur content of any fuel oil used on board ships within the European designated Suphur Emission Control Areas (SECAs) is introduced. Other areas are to achieve an cut, from 4.5 % down to 0.5 % by 1 January 2020.

In view of the foreseen technical and operational challenges for the shipping industry to comply with the new standards, the Staff Working Paper outlines a series of assisting measures to foster sustainable shipping. In the short term the Paper highlights the existing frameworks that may be of assistance such as the TEN-T Work programme 2011, the Marco Pollo II Work programme for 2011 and the European Investment Bank’s policy and instruments in support of sustainable shipping. In addition, it outlines the conditions under which Member States may choose to grant investment aids, enabling companies to go beyond existing standards or assisting in the early adaptation ahead of the entry into force of the standards. The Commission recognizes the need to introduce similar standards to neighboring States such as Russia in order to avoid potential traffic flow shifts. The EC also expresses commitment to foster technical co-operation, the exchange of knowledge, experiences and best practices on new emissions abatement technologies.   

In the medium and long term the Working Paper envisages the development of a Sustainable Waterborne Transport Toolbox in order to assist the industry’s compliance strategies while maintaining its competitive position. The Sustainable Waterborne Transport Toolbox describes measures along the following components: regulatory and non-regulatory measures, green ship technology and alternative fuels, adequate green infrastructure, economic and funding instruments, research and innovation. Regarding the way forward the Commission services will be pursuing the necessary consultations and studies within 2012 in order to propose the Sustainable Waterborne Transport Toolbox aiming towards sustainable and competitive shipping.

The European Commission adopted a Staff Working Paper “Pollutant emission reduction from maritime transport and the sustainable waterborne transport toolbox”.


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