Anschütz upgrades eLog with new functionality

The Anschütz eLog is an electronic logbook that automates onboard documentation and paves the way to paperless ship operation
(Source: Anschütz)
Navigation and bridge system specialist, Anschütz, has upgraded its electronic logbook, eLog, and can now offer different levels of license for different use cases. The flag- and class-approved logbook automates shipboard documentation procedures and paves the way to paperless operation, the company said.
Anschütz explained that it had launched eLog to replace error-prone manual data collection with an automated and secure digital process chain. Its design complies with ISO standard 21745:2019 and MEPC 312 (74). It is approved by DNV and accepted by major flag states as an alternative to paper logbooks.
The basic license includes the deck logbook, the bell book, and the engine logbook and is suitable for small vessels such as tugs, workboats, and coast guard vessels. The basic eLog function ‘log bookkeeping’ has now been extended with new features including cloud access, secure file upload, speech to text, noon report, watch orders, and IMO crew lists.
Licenses are also available for cargo vessels, container ships, and tankers. The company also offers an all-encompassing selection of books and reports for ships operating paper-free.
The system enables all ship navigation, operation, environmental, security and command evidence to be provided in a digital and secure format. Automatic and manual data entries ensure consistency, transparency, and efficiency for maritime documentation. Secure and tamper-proof blockchain technology is used to store data, and owners have full data control and access at any time.
Volker Wenzel, who is in charge of technical marketing of the eLog, said: “With the upgrade of the eLog, we can now offer our customers what is probably the most comprehensive electronic logbook on the market with full class approval.”