Aker Solutions enters Brazilian installation market

Aker Solutions has signed a contract with Maersk FPSOs to perform the mooring installation work at the Peregrino field offshore Brazil.

The contract is the first marine installation job for Aker Solutions in Brazil and marks the start-up of the company's marine operations unit in the country.
Scope of work comprises planning and installation of an APL submerged turret production (STP) buoy with mooring system.  The STP buoy will be moored in approximately 100 meters water depth using ten mooring lines with 90 tonnes piles, heavy chain and wire. Mooring components will be delivered by Maersk FPSOs. The operations are scheduled to be conducted during Q4 2009.
"The Brazilian market is fast growing and there is a huge potential for the type of services we can offer through our highly experienced marine operations team," says Mads Andersen, executive vice president, Aker Solutions. "We are very pleased to be working with Maersk FPSOs on this job."
"We have been a significant player in the Brazilian subsea market for many years. Entering the Brazilian marine operations market underlines our objective of being a lifecycle provider who can perform subsea installation tasks as well as marine operations, such as the Peregrino mooring installation, for our customers in the region," adds Andersen.
The Peregrino oil field is located 85 kilometres offshore Brazil in the southwest part of the Campos Basin area. The water depth is 100 meters. Operator of the field is StatoilHydro.
Contract party is Aker Marine Contractors in Brazil. Aker Marine Contractors in Brazil operates under Aker Solutions do Brasil Ltda umbrella and has offices in Rio de Janeiro.


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