ABS announces Brazil Offshore Technology Center
The focus of the center will be on research intended to support the development of new technologies for offshore facilities. Although the research efforts will place a particular emphasis on facilities intended for use in Brazilian waters, broader challenges associated with offshore energy resource extraction will also be addressed. Applied research will be conducted to study a wide range of oil and gas field development issues particularly those associated with ultra deepwater activity, and high temperature and high pressure recovery.
ABS will collaborate with industry partners, COPPE/UFRJ faculty and students and with representatives from the Petrobras Research Center, CENPES on these new projects.
ABS Senior Vice President of Technology Peter Tang-Jensen said the first research project to be undertaken by the center will be a study on torpedo piles, an innovative mooring anchor system that has been developed by Petrobras. The study is expected to result in the development of a rational approach for the class review and approval of torpedo piles.
Other initial research topics being considered include: coupled motions, connections between risers and floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) units and risk-based stability criteria for self-elevating drilling units.