170 Million euros funding for 51 vital infrastructure projects

The grant amounts to € 170 million from the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) funds. This amount is divided into two programmes. € 112.4 million are devoted to the 2010 multi-annual work programme, while € 78.2 million will be used for projects under the annual programme.

The 51 projects which will receive funding were selected over the course of 2010 and involve 24 Member States. The criteria for selection are linked to the relevance to TEN-T priorities and policy objectives and are as follows: maturity, impact (particularly socio-economic and environmental) and quality in terms of completeness, clarity, soundness and coherence.

For both programmes, three highest priorities have been identified. The largest amount in funding goes to Motorways of the Sea (MoS). The eight projects selected for a grant of €84.9 million are as follow:
- The Baltic Sea hub and spokes project (Estonia and Sweden - €24,846,900)
- Motorway of the Sea Rostock-Gedser (Denmark and Germany- €24,494,874)
- MonaLisa (Denmark, Finland and Sweden - €11,234,003)
- LNG infrastructure of filling stations and deployment in ships (Belgium and Denmark - €9,569,500)
- MIELE (Cyprus, Germany, Ireland, Portugal and Spain - €7,998,250)
- Monitoring and Operation Services for Motorways of the Sea (MOS4MOS) (Greece, Ireland, Slovenia and Spain - €2,825,752)
- MoS 24 - ICT based co-modality promotion centre for integrating PP24 into Mediterranean MoS (Belgium, France, Ireland and Malta - €2,452,500)
- ITS Adriatic multi-port gateway (Ireland and Slovenia - €1,442,500)

The second priority of the multi-annual programme refers to the River Information Services (RIS), involving traffic management infrastructure on the inland waterway network. Five projects are selected to receive €7.1 million in funding. The third domain concerns aviation, more precisely air traffic management systems and functional airspace blocks.

The 2010 annual work programme (€78.2 million in total funding) complements the efforts developed under the multi-annual work programme with a view to better utilise scarce EU funds and maximise the impact in priority areas. It is focused on three priorities. First, it aims at promoting the development of an integrated and environmentally friendly transport system as well as studies for the preparation of deployment projects contributing to the addressing of climate change (13 projects selected, €32.1 million in funding). Accelerating and facilitating the implementation of TEN-T projects, as well as projects supporting the Single European Sky policy form the second priority (18 projects selected, €41.1 million in funding). Finally, the third goal involves studies to support Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) (three projects selected, €4.9 million in funding).

The European Commission announced which projects were selected to receive funds to build and upgrade vital transport infrastructure across the EU.


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