Two additional OSV for Hornbeck Offshore

VT Halter Marine, Inc, said that Hornbeck Offshore Services, Inc had exercised the options for two additional Offshore Supply Vessels (OSV), with deliveries expected in the fourth quarter of 2014 and first quarter of 2015.

VT Halter Marine announced on 18 November last year that it had secured the contract to construct eight OSVs with options for up to 24 additional identical vessels. These vessels are constructed in its yards at Moss Point Marine and Halter Moss Point with deliveries of the first and eighth vessels planned for in October 2013 and September 2014, respectively.
Based on VT Halter Marine’s Super 320 design developed for HOS, these DP2 OSVs are designed to have approximately 20,900 bbls of liquid mud carrying capability and a fire-fighting class notation. The design has been developed with particular attention to the most stringent regulations for environmental stewardship, including a double hull that eliminates any fuel storage adjacent to the sideshell, and propulsion machinery that meets the requirements of EPA Tier 3 for stack emissions.


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