RWE and DEME to install patented collars on wind farm foundations
German energy company, RWE, and Belgian marine engineering specialist, DEME Offshore, are to use monopile foundation collars for the first time when construction begins at the Kaskasi offshore wind farm in the German North Sea. Installation work will begin in the third quarter of 2021; start of commercial operations is planned for summer 2022.
The collars will provide extra lateral loading for the monopiles at the 342-MW wind farm, increasing load capacity and raising the strength of the entire foundation, especially in difficult ground, the companies said.
The wind farm’s 38 turbines will be installed on monopiles driven to their positions with new vibro pile-driving technology. This reduces installation time and cuts noise emissions for marine life. The Kaskasi wind farm is the first one to use this technique.
RWE’s chief operating officer, Wind Offshore Global, said: “The collared monopile, a patented solution develop in-house, will help to increase stability in difficult ground. Furthermore, Kaskasi will be the first commercial offshore wind farm to use an improved installation method to drive all monopile foundations to target penetration. This showcases our technical expertise as the second biggest player in offshore wind globally and means that we will continue to be at the forefront of the evolution of technology in this industry.”