Rolls-Royce to supply machinery package for new semi-submersible

Illustration of the semi-submersible drilling rig Image: Awilco Drilling plc

Rolls-Royce will provide five Bergen B33:45L8A diesel engines, four UUC 3,800-kW high-torque thrusters, a selective catalytic reduction (SCR) system including a heat recovery unit, and an air intake silencer system.
The high-efficiency thrusters combined with the Bergen diesels will provide low fuel consumption and emissions and ensure an optimised electrical load balance on the rig. A Rolls-Royce certified condition monitoring system is also part of the package.
Ottar Ristesund, SVP Sales, Marine, at Rolls-Royce, said: “Our deliveries into this project demonstrate our strong position in the drilling segment. After several years without any newbuilding of offshore drilling rigs, this contract is a demonstration of optimism among rig operators. We are confident that this will be a good project for all parties.”
The rig, which is due for delivery in 2021, is a Moss CS 60 ECO MW design and will be equipped and certified for drilling on the Norwegian Continental Shelf, including the Barents Sea, in water depths of about 1,500m.

Awilco Drilling plc has chosen Rolls-Royce machinery for its new harsh-environment, semi-submersible drilling rig, to be built at Keppel FELS shipyard in Singapore.


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