Mooring system for first French floating wind turbine installed

Using an anchor handling tug supply vessel and a remotely operated vehicle, Bourbon Offshore recently completed a mooring installation for France’s first floating wind turbine at an experimental test site off Le Croisic in Brittany.

The installation was for Ecole Centrale de Nantes and a part of a European project, ‘Floatgen’, in which a wind turbine with concrete float later will be commissioned later this year. The turbine, designed by Ideol, is currently under construction at Saint-Nazaire port by Bouygues Travaux Publics.  
Ideol, an offshore engineering company based in La Ciotat near Marseilles, also designed the mooring system which uses synthetic mooring lines.
“One of the Floatgen project challenges was to install an innovative mooring system that needs to meet the production conditions criteria of the floating wind turbine,” explained Christian Berhault, head of Sem-Rev which operates the experimental site. “Competent and dedicated teams from Bourbon, Ideol and Centrale Nantes have contributed to the success of the operation.”


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