Hamburg to become headquarters of Siemens’ global wind power business

Hamburg is a highly attractive location and at the same time one of the world’s most important wind power centers. For that reason we will in the future be running our fast-growing wind power business from this city,” said Michael Suess, member of the Managing Board of Siemens AG and CEO of Siemens Energy. “With our new organizational setup we’ll have a stronger regional alignment and greater customer intimacy. They are key prerequisites to continuing the success story of our wind power business in the future, too. Our starting position for that is very good: We can build on a record order backlog totaling almost 11 billion euros and, in offshore wind power plants, the fastest growing market sector, we’re world market leader.”

n Germany alone, Siemens has already secured orders for six offshore wind power plants in the North and Baltic Sea with a combined capacity of 1,300 MW. It is anticipated that the work force of Siemens Wind Power in Hamburg will triple from the current 170 to over 500 by 2013.

Particular importance will also be attached to regionalization in order to increase customer intimacy. Siemens will therefore in the future manage its wind power business below division level from three regional Business Units. Wind power business for Europe, the Middle East and Africa, and for the European offshore market will be managed from Brande in Denmark. The new Business Unit EMEA will be headed by Jan Kjaersgaard, who was to date responsible for Siemens’ wind power business in the Americas. Mark Albenze will be appointed CEO of the Business Unit responsible for the Americas headquartered in Orlando, Florida. He has been working at Siemens for Siemens Energy Inc. in Denver, USA, and was to date Vice President Power Systems Sales. Kay Weber will head the local Business Unit for the Region Asia-Pacific headquartered in Shanghai, China. Wolfgang Hermann, to date CFO of the Siemens Industry Solution Division, will be appointed Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the Wind Power Division.

The new Siemens Wind Power Division headquartered in Hamburg has started operations on October 1.



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