Grouting contract for offshore hub
A tripod before installation
The installation will be equipped with a variety of monitoring sensors to collect the necessary environmental data to inform about the development, construction and operation of the proposed Blyth Offshore Wind Demonstration Site. The platform will be secured using a rock socket grouted connection and a grouted pile sleeve connection located at each of its three legs, due to the condition of the seabed. In a first step, the jacket will be placed on the seabed in a depth of 38m. After that, a 10m-deep rock socket will be drilled through the pile sleeve. The subsea and offshore grouting specialist FoundOcean will mix and pump a special grout into the socket. Subsequently, a stab-in pile will be lowered through the sleeve and into the grouted rock socket. The remaining two rock socket connections will follow the same procedure. If the rock socket connections are established, FoundOcean will inject grout into the three annuli between the piles and the tripod sleeves via connectors above sea level.