AIP for multi-purpose LNG vessel

The vessel has the ability to load LNG from existing LNG terminals, liquefaction facilities, or traditional LNG carriers and transport the LNG to existing tanks, traditional LNG carriers, trucks, or marine vessels using LNG as fuel. The barge is also equipped for regasification of LNG directly to a pipeline or to a power plant. An additional feature will be the use of natural gas as fuel in the dual-fuel engines of the tug to drive the tug-barge unit.
The benefit of the LNG-articulated tug and barge regas vessel (ATB RV) is that it allows LNG to be moved and delivered more efficiently on a small-scale basis in locations where large LNG infrastructure would be cumbersome, costly, and time-consuming.
The barge will be fitted with independent Type ‘C’ LNG tanks. To make most efficient use of the hull volume and maximise the cargo-carrying capacity of the barge, bi-lobe tanks of maximum width are centred along the barge centreline. The cargo containment system is split into four longitudinally located independent tanks, with each tank supported by a simple structure that isolates the tanks from hull loads. According to Waller Marine, these tanks will be constructed of either 9% nickel steel or stainless steel AISI 304L to contain the cargo at a minimum temperature of -163° C.
Since AIP was granted, Waller Marine has moved into the detail design phase with a goal of creating multiple variations for clients around the world.

The classification society ABS has granted approval in principle (AIP) for a new liquefied natural gas (LNG) and regasification articulated tug and barge concept introduced by Waller Marine Inc.


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