Agreement on testing of offshore wind turbine

Vestas and Dong Energy will cooperate in testing a new offshore wind turbine
Vestas will be supplying a V164-7.0 MW turbine, which is a dedicated offshore wind turbine designed specifically for the harsh conditions at sea. The V164-7.0 MW turbine is scheduled for installation in 2013 at the demonstration site, where Dong Energy has permission to install a total of six demonstration turbines. As part of the demonstration, Dong Energy and Vestas will cooperate on a technical due diligence of the V164-7.0 MW turbine.
To reduce the costs of constructing offshore wind farms are one of the focal points of the cooperation between DONG Energy and Vestas, and the V164-7.0 MW turbine is expected to play a key role.
This investment will allow Dong Energy to potentially become the first customer to
acquire next-generation Vestas turbines for future offshore wind farm projects.