Engine firm and ship manager team up

MAN Energy Solutions and Anglo-Eastern have set up an ‘Innovation Partnership’ to exchange data and experience in engine operation, performance, and maintenance. The companies will also collaborate in testing digital products, and creating and developing software, algorithms, and APIs in other areas.

The new arrangement was signed by Carsten Ostenfeldt and Harald Klein, Anglo-Eastern COOs of Asia and Europe respectively and, for MAN, Stig Holm, head of Marine & Power Denmark, and Michael Petersen, senior vice president and head of Primeserv Denmark.

“We are very much looking forward to working with MAN Energy Solutions on this exciting project and gaining insight into the development of future digital solutions,” commented Anglo-Eastern’s Ostenfeld. “We will allocate the appropriate resources to ensure the success of the project and expect to gain ever more efficient tools to support the daily operation of our fleet.”

Speaking for the engine company, Holm said: “We are very happy to have entered this project with such an able partner as Anglo-Eastern. For our part, we will get invaluable industry insight from a major, maritime ship management organisation with substantial knowledge of the daily and strategic operation of a large fleet of diverse vessel types. This agreement gives us access to a large fleet where new products can be tested and we can receive operational feedback from crew and technical shore staff alike.”

The partnership will run for at least two years with meetings held every two months starting with a first workshop on innovation to be held in Copenhagen this month.


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