Damen acquires flexible and scalable renewable energy setup

Handover of Skoonbox (Source: Damen)

Damen Shipyards Group is planning to extend the use of renewable energy at its own shipyards with the takeover of Skoonbox from Skoon Energy. In time, the company could make the technology available to customers around the world. The maritime-certified Skoonbox, a multi-purpose 20-foot container, contains 314 lithium batteries generating 638 kWh of clean energy. It can be used to provide renewable power at ship-shore interfaces where diesel generators or ships’ engines are used as the primary source of power today. The Skoonbox has applications in shipyards, repair facilities, ports and inland waterway locations.

Vincent de Maat, sales manager at Damen Shipyards Group, commented: “The Skoonbox and the clean energy systems coming in its wake are opening up tremendous opportunities for us to reduce our ecological footprint and those of our customers. This is a sustainable replacement for diesel generators, but it can also be used as a green form of shore power, allowing ships berthed at our repair yards to turn off their on-board engines. This saves a lot of emissions.”

The Skoonbox has been used recently in a range of applications in and around the Port of Amsterdam, It has also been installed on a barge, providing a floating battery plant available to provide green energy for ships.

Skoon Energy will now concentrate on its Skoon Sharing platform that brings together local and international supply and demand for mobile renewable energy arrangements.


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