Plans for placing orders at Russian shipyards

Russian energy supplier Gazprom has plans to place orders at Russian shipbuilding plants to produce marine equipment for the continental shelf development, LNG and CNG transportation.

During the meeting it was noted that Gazprom completely supported the initiative of Russian shipbuilders to create new production facilities for construction of the drilling and producing platforms, supply vessels and LNG carriers meeting the Company's high requirements and competing on quality with global peers. The participants noted that the Russian shipbuilding industry was capable of meeting Gazprom's demands. Offshore field development up to 2020 will require over ten drilling and producing platforms, over 60 vessels and floating structures of various types, as well as at least 23 LNG carriers. In this regard Gazprom is striving to maximally engage domestic shipbuilders.

Russian shipbuilders' representatives said they were confident that execution of Gazprom's orders would move the shipbuilding industry to a new stage of technological development.

Summing up the meeting, the specialized subdivisions and subsidiary companies of Gazprom, as well as the Krylov Shipbuilding Research Institute were tasked to finish elaboration of the Program for marine equipment creation and utilization in offshore oil and gas field development until 2030 as soon as possible. Before long, the specialized subdivisions of Gazprom will negotiate with Russian shipbuilders in order to prepare agreements for construction and supply of Russia's first domestically manufactured methane carriers once the tender procedures are completed.


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